[UBC Study Recruitment] GARDEN Framework: developing a conceptual framework for rehabilitation game design

The GAmes for Rehabilitation DEsign Nexus (GARDEN) project is conducting a study to develop a conceptual framework for designing rehabilitation games.

They are currently looking to recruit a diverse group of participants (end-users, game designers & developers, rehabilitation experts) who are enthusiastic about the idea of creating games specifically as therapy to help them refine the framework.

What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this study is to refine GARDEN Framework with a broad panel of experts in rehabilitation, game design, and end-users of games for rehabilitation through an online consensus process. The goal is to ensure the GARDEN Framework is a clear, meaningful, and useful tool for designing and communicating among stakeholders of rehabilitation games.

Who are they looking for?

  • Video game designers and developers
  • People who have used video games for managing or improving health
  • Rehabilitation experts (physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation researchers, speech therapists)

What does participation look like?

  • The study will begin May 15 and take between 3-5 months
  • Commit to 1-1.5 hours/month for the duration of the study
  • Participants will take part in a process to build consensus that involves watching a video overview of the draft framework that explains the ideas and structure, followed by several rounds of feedback from yourself and revisions by the research team
  • Your feedback will involve an online survey with items (e.g. agree/disagree) and open-ended questions (e.g. how would you clarify this)
  • Participants will receive a $30 gift card for each survey they complete (2-4 total)


Registration Info

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