Our recent provincial benchmarking study highlighted that issues around diversity and inclusion continue to be a significant area of concern in the creative technology industry. DigiBC is committed to prioritizing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the sector by providing education for member companies and the community, establishing meaningful partnerships with EDI-focused organizations, developing policy and resources, and benchmarking and tracking EDI data for the sector.
Today we are thrilled to announce we will be offering FREE memberships to support the advancement of creative technology startups led by the following underrepresented groups: Indigenous peoples of Canada, racialized communities, women, LGBTQ2+ community and non-binary people, and people with disabilities.
Free Membership Criteria:
▪️ Company size is 1-10 employees (FTEs and contractors)
▪️ Company must produce interactive and digital media content
▪️ At least 50% of co-founders must self-identify as being from an underrepresented group as defined by the Government of Canada / CMF (Indigenous peoples of Canada, racialized communities, women, LGBTQ2+ community and non-binary people, and people with disabilities)
If your company qualifies, please contact us for further details at team@digibc.org