
COVID-19 Recommendations, Guidelines & Resources for the Creative Tech Industry

In light of the ongoing situation with the COVID-19 virus, a number of our member studios are creating protocols and procedures to navigate these previously uncharted waters.

To support our sector and in the spirit of collaboration, DigiBC has taken best practices from our members and compiled the following list for you to consider utilizing as we face an increasingly unpredictable business environment throughout the creative sector in BC. The lens applied to the following guidelines and resources is one of precaution, but not alarmist. Thank you to our member studios for contributing information to this list.

Key Priorities

  • Ensure your team members and their family members are safe and cared for
  • Ensure you can continue studio operations as best as possible
  • Ensure your staff are tech-enabled to work at home for an extended period
  • Provide ongoing communication to employees in response to information provided by health officials as the situation progresses

COVID-19 Information

Working From Home Guidelines

Communicate clearly to employees whether they need to come into the office, have the option to work from home, or are required to work from home under certain circumstances. For example, some studios are having anyone with a sniffle to work from home and others have not yet taken this step. Think through the implications of these decisions and be clear with your team as circumstances change.

In preparation for work from home:

  • Let everyone know that the company will be preparing to Work From Home (WFH)
  • Have employees check their VPN connection (how many can they handle) and fill out a spreadsheet on their WFH status asking:
    • I can access source control remotely
    • I can run the programs I need to work
    • I have the necessary hardware (Cintiqs, a good computer, enough hard disk space, etc)
    • I have a webcam, mic, headphones
    • Any additional notes
  • Install virtual desktop software and collaboration software (Zoom, Slack, etc)
  • Create a policy to reimburse employees for internet expenses if data caps are exceeded
  • Create a sign-out policy for employees to be able to take home the necessary equipment, cables, controllers, etc
  • Create a tracking doc for any equipment and computers taken off-site
  • Create a WFH policy and guidelines to help structure workdays for staff
  • Take a couple days to prepare for everyone to WFH (help get up home stations setup, troubleshoot remote login, etc)
  •  Run a “dry run” day where everyone who can work from home does so. People who don’t yet have hardware can come into the office. On the day of the dry run, tally what hardware is still needed, talk to people who need to come in and coordinate delivering hardware to them.

Day-to-Day Office Guidelines

  • Advise against any non-critical business travel
  • Post reminders in the office about good hygiene practices (bathrooms, elevators, lunchroom, common areas, etc)
  • Place hand sanitizer stations around the office
  • Take advantage of video-conference, Hangouts, etc even when in the same office
  • Advise staff of any revisions to your company sick/time off policy
  • Find out if any staff will be traveling for personal reasons to high risk countries

**Spring Break Travel**
Have any staff who are traveling out-of-country, will be in an airport, or having visitors who have been out-of-country or in an airport, to work from home for two weeks prior to returning to the workplace

Hygiene Tips

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing and then wash hands immediately
  • Do not attend events if you feel sick or have returned from an affected area
  • Consider no longer shaking hands and instead use another form of greeting (fist bump, elbow bump or our favourite, the Spock Vulcan greeting with LL&P)


DigiBC Events Update

  • We have currently put plans on hold for any events in the immediate future

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